Sunday, March 11, 2012

Strange Conversations

Yesterday while out for my weekly long run, I saw my brother Lucas who was also out running. This is the conversation we had...
Me: Hey how far are you running today?
Lucas: oh only 7 miles
Me: Aren't you going snowshoeing today?
Lucas: Yeah but not until noon
Me: I decided I am running up to the Shoreline Trail today. I need a trail run before my 25k
Lucas: How far is a 25k again?
Me: Somewhere between 15 and 16 miles
Lucas: Oh that isn't bad
Me: Yeah I will be 12 weeks pregnant when I run it
Lucas: Oh yeah, not bad
we then said our good-byes and ran off in opposite directions
A couple of miles later as I was running up a big ass hill it occurred to me how strange that conversation was this is why
-I didn't think anything of the fact that Lucas was running 7 miles before he went snowshoeing.  I mean why wouldn't you go running before you go snowshoeing
-Lucas didn't think it was weird that his sister was running 5.5 miles uphill to the Shoreline trail, so I could then trail run
-Neither one of us think a 25k is that awesome of a distance
-Lucas didn't think anything of his pregnant sister running a 25k trail run because that is so normal!


UG said...

That's my children

UG said...

That's my children