Sunday, March 06, 2011

Elijah took this picture. He instructed us to be Power Rangers.

they make me laugh

The boys and I went to the park yesterday. We were there for 25 minutes. In that time both boys fell off the swing and Isaac gave himself a black eye! Elijah fell off the swing looking like a ninja and Isaac fell off and got right back up. Having two wild boys can sometimes be stressful. All these injuries they give themselves makes my heart race and my anxiety go up. I do not want to be a hovering mom though. I think when a parent hovers kids stop exploring, learning independence and tend to be narcissistic. I try to balance letting them do their thing with me keeping them safe. I guess that means they are going to end up with a few more bruises and bumps. I will post a picture of Isaac's black eye when it gets really good!

This last week was my third week of six days in a row of exercise. It felt so good. I have been doing four days of cardio, one of Pilates, and on of the 550. I even ran two days this week. I felt good, the achilles tendon is still sore after the run but icing and massage help a lot. I am going to try for a ten mile run this week, I have to be able to run 16 miles very soon!

1 comment:

jessi9380 said...

ooh! I'm impressed, you're doing the 550? I just looked at that the other day.