he can frequently be found coloring in a state of undress

my wild things

one of Bean's favorite activities

another ninja costume

yes those are underwear on his head with my hairclip to keep the "eye holes" open and socks on his hands. He was being a ninja
Thing are going well. I continue to heal well. I spent three days at the gym this week on the elliptical, one day of pilates and one day of the 550. This morning I went running with Lucas, Eric, and my dad. It was a snowy cold ten miles. I felt pretty good. My legs got a little tired at the end but I could have done a few more miles.
Isaac, Elijah and I are going to San Antonio in a week! My mom is also coming with us. I am glad she will be there, I am nervous to fly with these two wild things. I haven't seen my sister in nearly a year and her kids in even longer. I am excited to spend time with them. I am sure my boys are going to drive my nephew Gabriel crazy but it will be good for him.
It is still snowing in Utah! I don't mind so much but I like park days and I would really like to get my yard done. Every time my guy calls to tell he will be here it snows!
Sam passed his research defense yesterday! He did so good. This is a very big step in the process. He has to finish his paper up, graduate and then take boards.
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