Friday, July 17, 2009

The Drama Continues

Well I guess I must like drama. On Monday I had an IUD placed. On Monday evening I started having abdominal pain, by Tuesday the pain was getting intense. The pain was never constant though so I didn't worry too much. I called my dr. and she scheduled and ultrasound just to make sure things were okay. I went to my ultrasound yesterday and they couldn't find the IUD. I had an abdominal x-ray done at two in the afternoon and they found the IUD in my lower right quadrant! I was told I was going to OR at six. By the time I got into the surgery the IUD had traveled to my left upper quadrant. The IUD is now sitting on my kitchen counter, that is not where I wanted it placed! Today I am recovering from another surgery and being grateful my wonderful husband. My stomach looks like a laparoscopy scar battlefield between this surgery, my gallbladder being taken out and two c-sections. All that in two and a half years. LAME!!!


Bucky n' Bama said...

Glad that IUD is on your counter and not working its' way through the grand tour of the interior Katie. Yes, Sam is a great guy and you sound well.
B & B

lauren ♥ said...

holy crap! that's awful. i'm sorry katie. but don't worry, i'm sure your husband loves you, no matter how many crazy scars you have on your tummy, haha.

p.s. i love the new photo you put up top! <3 -lauren

Geno said...

I thought you said it was a IED?

Clark Captions said...

Oh my gosh Katie!!! I am sooo sorry about all of your drama!!!!! I'll got light a candle for you! You look great though, and your family is beautiful! Take Care!~

johnson5 said...

Oh Katie....... Bless you!!!!