Monday, November 03, 2008

I am so tired of people not knowing how to drive. I went for a three mile run today and I almost got run over three times!!! So here is my thing when you are driving your car and you come to a red light you do not stop at the third white line you stop at the first white line! If you are at a stop sign you stop behind the stop sign and you come to a complete stop look for oncoming traffic and foot traffic and then you drive. You do not drive while talking on your cell phone. If you almost run someone over you do not flip them off when they get frustrated with you. Pedestrians have the right of way on cross walks, this means if a person is crossing the street on a cross walk you have to stop for them. If you live in a city guess what people run, walk and bike a lot!!!! The bike lane is for bikes not for a speeding asshole. If you can not understand this maybe you should get out of your car and walk/bike for a week then you will get it.

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