Tuesday, August 30, 2011


check out that smile
Bean is an amazing kid. He is smart, charming, loving, independent and loud. I never worry about anyone bossing this kid around. His favorite sayings are no, me me me, and I do it! He loves cars, his bikes, playing outside, pretty girls and carrots and hummus. His favorite drinks are sparkling water and ice tea. He has the most amazing vocabulary for a two year old. He tries to skateboard and scares the hell out of me. He isn't afraid to try anything, including climbing fences, riding his bike down the skate park ramps and jumping down a lot of stairs. He is very tender hearted, he gets very upset when he is put on timeout and gets even more upset when Elijah is put on timeout. The first thing he says in the morning is "where my daddy go" and "mommy come on get up". Did I mention he never sleeps past 7:30? He likes Mickey Mouse, Tow-mater, Elmo and Barney but never watches t.v for longer than 20 minutes. He loves coffee especially ice coffee. He looks so much like my Dad sometimes it still surprises me. He is only two and has already decided he wants to be fireman when he grows up. He really likes Triceratops and turtles.
I think he is amazing.

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