Thursday, May 19, 2011

I really like these little guys

I know all mama's love their kids but I am a lucky mama. I really really like my boys. I think they are the funniest, smartest, loudest boys around and they make me happy.
I like that....
we bought Isaac a five dollar basketball outfit yesterday and now he won't take it off
that Elijah's nickname for me is Chunky Love
that they both say damn it on a regular basis
that Elijah is constantly on the lookout for monsters
Isaac loves playing in the backyard, he can play by himself for hours
they think their daddy is the coolest guy to ever live
they both love bikes. We have three bikes in our backyard and still they fight over them
Elijah asks to get his haircut into a mohawk
Elijah will eat vegetables but not fruit
Isaac will eat fruit but not vegetables
Elijah is never shy
Isaac is shy
they wrestle so hard together
they always say please and thank you to eachother
Elijah is a very patient big brother until Isaac takes his bike
Isaac may be shy but he always sticks up for himself
Elijah never takes lets anyone boss him around, except pretty girls
they are both flirts
but most of all I like that they our mine and Sams

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute!