Sam and Elijah went on a small hike together while Isaac slept in the car.

Sam playing on the Sand Dunes

the Sand Dunes at Snow Canyon. Sam is good at getting pictures of me when I am goofing around with the boys.

it is so hard to get a family picture. Someone is always crying or mad.

Red Rock trail.

Sam beginning one of his mountain bike rides. It had rained the night before so there was a lot of mud. Mud makes Sam Sloan happy. He was able to go on a mountain bike ride almost every day we were there. About half-mile from our condo was a lot of single track but this trail is Gooseberry Mesa about an hour outside of St. George.

This picture doesn't do Zion's justice. It is such a beautiful, grand place. I want to go back when we can hike more.

this is outside the museum at Zion's. This might be my favorite picture of the boys.

we spent Saturday at the pool. It was awesome to get some sun.

our view from our condo

Sand Hollow State Park. This is Utah's newest state park and it is beautiful. The beaches are nice red sand and the water was already a nice temperature. Elijah and Isaac played hard, they ran around, tried to swim, and dug nice big holes by hand.

Us at Weeping Rock. This is the one hike we did at Zion's. There are a lot of steep cliffs there and my boys are wild. This hike is only a half mile and I told them to stand away from the edge of the mountain at least twenty times.

Navajo Lake in Dixie National Forest. Sam and I really want to go back when there isn't 6 feet of snow.
We had so much fun. It was nice to get away.