Yesterday was our four year anniversary. We started out the morning with family pictures. We did them outside so it was good that it had snowed the night before. We had blue skies! It was cold and the boys got a little irritated with the cold. I think the pictures are going to be really cute. I will post them when we get them back.
We went home to get warm, eat some breakfast and take little naps. After my parents came over to watch the boys, Sam and I went for a couples massage. It was much needed! That massage therapist hurt me. He worked out all the knots in my neck, back and legs from running. We then went for tea and hot chocolate at the Coffee Garden. It is one of my favorite places for coffee but I don't go there very often, it is a small space and my kids are very loud.
We had dinner at The Bayou. Their beer menu is huge. It took Sam at least ten minutes to pick out a beer. We had a good dinner, good beer and good conversation.
It really was a good day. Sam started school today so it was nice to spend a day just us.
Saturday I ran 12.50 miles. We had to run in Heber because of the air quality in Salt Lake. It was suppose to be a ten mile run but I got us lost. I am not sure everyone listened to me, I don't know Heber!
Today I went for a 5 mile run and it hurt. It was a very hard run. I am not sure if it was Saturday run or the massage that did me in. I think I will be skipping my speed workout for the week.