My friend Lauren Hart tagged me. I am suppose to write ten random facts about myself. There is a lot about me that is random so here is just a few.
1. Up until three years ago I would never cook. I believe it is mans work. I cook now but only because I have been forced to.
2. I am addicted to coffee and chapstick. I have no intention of ever recovering from my addiction.
3. I believe children should get dirty, play outside a lot and be around germs. It is healthy for them.
4. Listening to Brother Ali and Kayne West makes me run faster.
5. I can not sleep with the closet door open EVER. I think the boogie man will come out of it and get me while I sleep. This is completely illogical and I know it.
6. If I could have my dream job I would open up a woman's health and fitness center. It would be a gym, daycare, coffee shop, nutrition center, and running/biking club all rolled into one.
7. I lived in Hawaii for a short while when I was 19. I still miss the sound and smell of the ocean.
8. As a little girl I was obsessed with the color purple and I think I might still be. Purple just makes me happy.
9. My mom is from England. My dad's ancestors were spanish jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, they settled in Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado. Growing up I assumed everyones parents were two different colors and different religions.
10. I love wearing heels. I feel silly wearing sneakers, like I am not all the way dressed.
I am going to tag some of my friends and family...