Sam is a nice man as everyone knows. At night though when he is asleep something comes out in him that can be so mean. Last night I got up to the bathroom (big surprise) when I got back in bed I asked Sam to cuddle with me, he told me he already was cuddling with me, which he wasn't. I told him so and he told me I needed to get help! That is not the first time he has said mean things in his sleep and it won't be the last.
I don't think people should call the two year old stage the terrible two's. Elijah isn't terrible he is independent, energetic, says what is on his mind when he can find the words for it, stubborn, dramatic and loud. He is also very curious. Yesterday he emptied the recycling into the dog water bowl, I asked him to clean it up and he told me no. So of course he got a time out. When he came out of his room he was upset not because he got a time out but because his clothes were wet. Today at our doctors appt. he thought the babies heart beat was a weeooh (fire truck).
I am 28 weeks huge! I am still running and doing pilates though. Besides the fact that I am so big I feel really good. The baby is acitve and keeps me awake at night already. Hopefully at our next doctor's appt. we get to schedule the c-section so we will know the baby's birthday very soon.
oh yeah Elijah had his two year check up last week. Of course he is completely healthy. He only weighs 22lbs 11oz, and he is 32 1/2 inches tall.