Recently I've been feeling the urge to free up some room around the house and lighten the load. My road bike frame has not been built up for over a year. Last winter I decided I should be putting in training time on my cross bike, so I stripped the parts off my road bike and threw them on the cross bike. It's kind of odd how hard it is to get rid of things that you have not used in quite some time.
What do I stand to gain by hanging onto my old road frame? Nothing. It will continue to hang the basement, collect dust and take up room. What do I gain by selling it? Less clutter and cash for a powertap wheel. It seems pretty simple, yet I still struggle with letting it go. It's not just the road frame. Our basement seems to be where I put things that I don't use but need to keep.
There's also this box of parts in the basement that I can't seem to get rid of. It contains old XTR cantis, saddles, seatposts, new cross cantis, and a bunch of other stuff I'll never use. Maybe I can ebay them and get a little cash, or maybe I can hang onto them for another season. It seems like this should be the year of change. My new basement mantra will be: clean it up and get rid of it!!!!!
I'm also getting the Rig ready to sell. This is one of my favorite bikes of all time. So why am I selling it? Because I'd like a frame with a more forgiving ride that, if needed, can run gears. I've lined up a buyer and even have my new frame picked out, but as I clean up the Rig it becomes hard to think about letting it go. I just need to clean it up and move on.
Here are some baby pics for my mom. Hopefully she'll forgive a post that's not baby related if it has baby pictures. Elijah has gained over a pound since discharge. Nice work Katie!!!