And I really don't mind. Everything is different my body, my thinking, my priorities, and my self-esteem. I think getting older is amazing and I am loving it. I don't want to go get drunk anymore, in fact I rarely drink. I made a lot of mistakes while drunk and created a lot of drama. I like being a sober responsible adult. I appreciate my body so much more, I try really hard not to say or think mean things about my body. My body has carried two babies and fed those two babies. My body has run countless miles and I have been able to push it to the limit and it has done so good. I don't go out at nine thirty at night, I go to bed. I don't go to sleep at six in the morning, I wake up at six in the morning so I can work out before my boys are up and moving. I want to finish college not because I feel like I have to but because I want to because I worth a good college education. I don't miss being in my 20's at all! I like being 31, I feel so much better. I am starting to get a few laugh lines. I don't mind, better to have laugh lines than drunk lady wrinkles or even frowning wrinkles. My relationships are better now. I am a better partner because of all the positive changes. Most of this is because a man as good as Sam loves me. But it is also because I think I have gotten better with age.
My Achilles tendon is still sore. I started to have ankle and foot pain also. I stopped running completely so it could heal. I have been going to the gym four days a week and doing the elliptical machine. Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike the gym, I don't like talking to strange men while I am working out! The elliptical is kicking my butt though so that is good. I am making sure I do pilates once a week and the 550 so I keep up my flexibility and strength. I am starting to feel much better so soon I will be running. I really need to run I have a 25k on March 26th I need to get into shape for!