Sam's new bike.

Wheeler Farm bike ride

he climbs everything!
Sam is heading into finals week!! He is busy but I am excited for him to be on break. We are going to take a mini-vacation just the four of us. We have never been anywhere just us. I think we are going to spend time hiking, running, biking, swimming and eating good food. It won't be much different from what we do now but it won't be at home.
Summer is keeping us busy. Most nights we all crash because we play so hard during the day. In the last week we have already been to a party, saw fireworks, went for a family bike ride, had a park day, cleaned the house, went to a friends house for a swim date, went to the zoo and I have been running four to five days a week. My boys are spending a lot of time outside getting dirty and playing in the hose. It has been a good summer so far.