Friday, May 21, 2010

A Normal Day

Today was just a normal day for us. We wok up early to have breakfast with our friend Andrea and some of her family. In the middle of breakfast Elijah told everyone he didn't want to watch the dragon movie he wants to watch KickAss. When Andrea told him he couldn't do something he asked if he could do it for just two minutes. Ahh my cute three year old. After breakfast we went to the library. Elijah was very well behaved and played nicely with the other children. Isaac on the other hand ran around like a crazy toddler, throwing books off the shelves as fast as he could. Every time I tried to hold him he would scream so loud. So I decided going home for some chill time was a good idea. When we got home Isaac fell right asleep, Elijah decided jumping on my head and doing face plants on the bed was a good idea until I told him I would put him in Isaac's crib to sleep. After a nice long nap I changed Isaac's diaper and just let him play around in his diaper. I was washing the dishes and he came in holding his diaper and laughing. I of coursed laughed also. He walked away for a minute and then walked back into the kitchen I then realized he had caca on his hands and all over his legs. He had made caca on the floor! We were not laughing anymore. While I was trying to clean him up, Elijah was kind enough to let me know Buckley was eating the caca! Both the boys got their night time bath at five and Buckley has been banished to the backyard. Now I have lost my phone, I am being forced to read Spider-man comics and play cars. Isaac is climbing the kitchen chair and I am not sure I want to cook dinner. I would say it was a good day.


lauren ♥ said...

perfect!! hahaha!

Unknown said...

Happy, happy life Katie. :)

When Eric and I have kids we'll have play dates. And you'll show me how it's done. Watch I'll be cursed with all girls!!