We took a much needed mini-vacation to Moab this last weekend. I was suppose to run the half-marathon but my foot hasn't healed enough to start running. Sam, Juanita and I got to be the support crew/babysitters. It was hard to watch all the half marathon runners come across the finish line and know I had trained so hard to be there with them but I am hopeful I will be there next year. Since I didn't run I think Sam and I got more of a vacation. We did two small hikes and one big hike. After all the fun Elijah was worn out! Isaac was tired of being in the back pack and his car seat. Sam and I were dirty. So I would say it was a good weekend. I posted a few pictures here and I will post a few more on Facebook.


sitting in a "cave" Elijah found

He crawled part of the hike. I couldn't tell if he was tired or just enjoying getting extra dirty.

Moab scenery

Isaac chilling and eating some Moab dirt

yo my name is Geno!

Elijah worked so hard at the beginning of the hike he had to catch a ride on the way out

Isaac loving the ride

It was a hard weekend for some of us

This is always the last stop on our Moab trips. Rays has the best burgers and beer in all of Green River.