Poor Isaac getting his breathing treatment.

Elijah gave me all these special rocks. He was so proud of himself.

Kids are funny. They do funny things and they say funny things.
Last night Elijah looked at me very seriously and said "are you my fat mom?". I said no and he then said "are you just regular?". I suppose it was a valid question, he is trying to figure the world out.
Swim lessons are going okay. Elijah has to be told he is learning to swim like a stingray before he will get in the pool. Once in the pool he has to periodically wander off to play cars. The best part of swim lessons is he is getting comfortable in the water and he is tired at the end of lessons.
Isaac is crawling everywhere! He doesn't do the normal crawl, he does this one hand track start looking things (it is hard to describe). He is pulling himself up and trying so hard to walk. He is signing!!! He signs more. He also waves now and is starting to give high fives.
This last week started off with a lot of fun. On Sunday afternoon my Mom and Dad were nice enough to come babysit the boys so Sam and I could go on a date. After the movie Sam and I took the boys to Wheeler Farm. It is the perfect place for Elijah to ride his bike and look at animals. Late Sunday night the boys both starting acting very sick. By Monday morning Isaac was having a hard to breathing. I took him up to Primary Children's Hospital. They said he had RSV and reactive asthma. He got a breathing treatment and seemed to feel better. By Wednesday they both were back to being wild things.
My running is not going so well. My foot started bothering my last week. I thought it was my new shoes, so I got new ones. It felt better for a few days but the pain has come back and it is worse. I am worried I won't be able to run my half marathon next month!