More changes for Elijah!! He got a walking cast on, but he still hasn't walked on it. I think it is strange to be told not to walk for a week and then told to walk all of a sudden. He is still grumpy but he is an Atencio-Sloan and he can't get all his energy out. His new thing is Kids Meals. He loves them, to me it just means we have been eating out way too much the last few weeks. Isaac is getting big already. He loves to eat and sleep. But mostly he loves to eat ALOT!! Isaac doesn't have the newborn gray eye color, he was born with black-brown eyes. It will be interesting to see if they stay that way or not. Sam and Elijah have such dark brown eyes!
Sam started the semester this week. It doesn't seem like it will be too bad, he only has class one day a week and the rest of his classes are online. He did very well last semester, of course. The final he took the day I had Isaac he got a B on! He does so good under pressure and he barely had time to study for it with me being in labor all weekend.
I am feeling pretty good. My emotional roller coaster is slowing down and I am healing very well!! I can not wait until I can carry Elijah. He breaks my heart when he wants me to carry him and I can't. How do you explain that to a two year old.