My appointment with the podiatrist last wednesday went well. The conclusion is that my left foot needs more support. He went with a low-tech felt wedge under the arch of my existing foot bed. Did it work? I just worked 4 12 hour shifts in row without knee pain. Now I need to find some foot beds the fit well in my bike shoes and get them set up by the podiatrist. Wednesday was a big day for another reason as well. The College of Nursing held a grad school info session. This session was both informative and disappointing. I am now faced with a dilema: attend the U for 4.5 years and obtain a doctorate the enables me to sit for FNP boards, or attend another school for two years and obtain a master's that enables me to sit for FNP boards. Here's the kicker: there's no difference in pay or scope of practice between the two options.
What do you think???????

Elijah sleeping while I research grad schools

Elijah meets his new roomy

The position feels better with every ride.