Wednesday: Short on time. 1 Hr on the "B" bike. Tried several upper endurance intervals. Knees seemed to tolerate the additional strain.
Thursday: 2 Hrs on the "B" machine. Knees ached afterwards. Upper body stuff. Knee exercises. Stretching. Knees seemed to get more painful as the day progressed.
Friday: 1 Hr mellow on the ferrous. Knees still ache a little from yesterday. Core. Stretching. Knee exercises.
Some conclusions about my knee pain:
1. No more flip-flops or old clogs. These both seem to contribute to the issues. I'm going to be sticking to my PI running shoes.
2. I really feel that the PT stuff is helping. I just need to keep it mellow on the bike a while longer.
3. Need to get my position looked at again.
4. The ferrous does not bother my knees. I can ride at a moderate intensity on the ferrous and experience no knee pain.

5. The "B" bike can really flare things up at times.

Gotta run. It's pizza night and time's a wasting!