1. This isn't even my blog. It is Sam's, I started blogging when he started grad school.
2. I am addicted to chapstick. I mean really I need it all the time. I have extra tubes hidden in my purse and throughout my house.
3. I never go barefoot. Not even in my own house. I wear flip flops or slippers all the time. I hate having things on the bottom of my feet.
4. I never throw my hair or finger nail clippings away. I am afraid the witches will get me so I flush everything down the toilet. Sam makes fun of me for this but you know what he flushes his nail clipping too!
5. Sometimes when Elijah and Sam play together I feel like crying. They are so cute together and Sam is such a good dad.
6. I only have thirty credit hours until I graduate with a bachelors degree. I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up though! I am going to take one or two classes a semester until Sam is finished.
7. I use to smoke one pack a day. I loved it, I thought I was so cool. Now I am a runner and I get sick when I smell cigarette smoke.
I tag:
1.the abalate atencio clan
2. Brandi Hill
3. Geno
4. B, D, K and Ella
5. Juanita