How busy? So busy that I've done one basement ride over the last week. School is fun but I've learned the hard way that my time management skills need an overhaul. The reason I've been so short on time is that I let myself get behind in clinical physiology. Clinical physiology is an online class that's self-paced. I'm caught up now and intend to get a week ahead. Here's a run-down on physical activity for the week:
Sun: 30min basement Ride, Stretching, Running Ass Off At Work For 12 Hours
Mon: Stretching, Upper Body, Monster Walks, Running Ass Off At Work For 12 Hours.
Tuesday: Nada. Clinical Physiology and Stats.
Weds: Walked to bus stop. Walked home from bus stop. More clinical physiology.
Thursday: Monster Walks, Basic Core, Stretching, Chasing Elijah around house while Katie worked
Friday: Monster Walks, Upper Body, Stretching
Sat: Side Stability, Planks, Stretching, Walk Around the hood with Katie, E, and the Mutts.