Well hypnobirthing class is done and now begins the waiting game. Our goals are to keep Mona from going crazy, get the hospital bag packed, and enjoy some trips to restaurants and movie theaters. Mona is our oldest dog. Right before we found out that Katie was pregnant Mona started getting weird. Mona suddenly became my best friend and totally ignored Katie. It was crazy because while Mona and I get along, she's not the biggest fan of men. I enjoyed a couple weeks of Mona just following me around, resting her head in my lap, and actually listening to me. Just when I got used to the new obedient Mona she reverted back to her old self, independent and fiercely protective of Katie.
Fast forward about 9 months and a new Mona has emerged. Mona is now a super freak! She can't stand us leaving the house, she's incredibly insubordinate, and she's really curious whenever we get home. I should also mention that she is trying to chew her way through her crate, it reminds me of Prison Break. It wouldn't alarm if we came home from work to find a tunnel though the basement wall and under the driveway with an opening under the jeep. Two questions remain about Mona's recent madness: Would she take Buckley? Does this mean that Katie's going to produce a child soon?