Friday, August 17, 2007

This week has been one of those sleeper weeks. Things looked pretty mellow going into it, but it ended up being crazy. I worked Sun/Mon/Tuesday. Wednesday was daddy daycare with a challenging job interview thrown in for good measure. I was lucky that Uncle Zack was able to hang out and test Elijah's babe magnetism while I got grilled. While I didn't get the position the interview was a great experience.
Thursday was physical therapy. It felt like going to check the score of a test that you did not study for. You know it's going to bad but it always hurts to see your weakness quantified. Here's the quick story: I am not a flexible person, my pelvis and lower back are twisted, and my left hip ad/abductors and glutes are weaker than the left. I now have exercises and stretches that I'll be doing in addition to my regular core/stretching routine. I almost forgot that I'll be doing low-intensity miles until I get my body into alignment and the pain subsides
Thursday was also Elijah's 6 month check-up. He's a happy, loud, chunky 16lb 9oz baby who is really quite unhappy that he got 3 shots yesterday. Little E is now quite capable of army crawling around the house and getting into anything he wants. Today we'll be taking baby proofing to a new level and tomorrow he'll figure how to get into everything anyway. I guess that's how the next 18 years will be.
Friday: 1hr 30 minutes of recovery paced madness, stretching, PT exercises and stretching, chest/shoulder press, and tons of baby curls.

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