Friday, March 16, 2012


Sam Sloan had surgery on Monday. He had an open hernia repair. This was his first surgery and first time  using pain pills.  Usually medical professionals are horrible patients and I think Sam was actually kind of cute. When he was coming out of anesthesia he had the nurse tell him every med he got in the OR, how they intubated him and he had to look at his incision site twice. He has been really good about laying in bed and getting rest. But I do have to remind him to take his pain pills.  Yesterday he was trying figure out how high is white blood cell count got! Us normal people just worry about our pain, but my husband is trying to figure out his WBC.
He is slowly doing better. He has been going for walks and trying to help out more around the house.
This is strange to say but I love that he asks these kind of questions and I love that he follows me around the house when I am cleaning because he is ansy to get moving again.

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