Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Good and Not so Good

The day before Easter I had a sudden onset of feeling like ass. I started having lower back pain and I felt feverish. After a few hours I called my parents to come watch the boys and I headed to Urgent Care. I was diagnosed with a kidney infection. It was good I went when I did, I had a fever of 104.5! I was started on IV antibiotics and told to come back the next day. In my fever induced delirium I didn't realize how sick I really was and how stressed my family and Sam were. Sorry guys, I guess the dramatics just seem to find me. I am finally feeling less like ass and more like good old Katie.
Thanks to all our family our boys were able to still have an awesome Easter. The boys dyed eggs with my parents, and we had an Easter egg hunt at my parents house. Of course there was too much candy and a lot of food.
Isaac is full on walking and climbing. He has the bruises to show for all his bravery. He is already 11 months old. I can not believe he will be one soon! I get stopped all the time telling me how cute he is, I always think "yes I know" but that isn't polite so I just say thanks. He started to lose his chunk but that is what happens when you walk, climb and ride a tricycle! That is right he is already riding a bike. It is something in the genetics.
Elijah is at the Why phase. He asks so many damn questions, I love it. I am having to be creative with my answers. He is also full of interesting comments.
Here is a conversation he had with a friend
Friend: You look like your dad"
Elijah: Nope
F: Do you look like your mom?
E: Nope
F: Who do you look like?
E: Michael Jack!
Yes he is funny. He loves Michael Jackson, cars, and Spider-Man. He has names for his special cars, watches Spider-Man and wears Spider-Man shoes, and of course our lives are full of Michael Jackson music. We listen to little Michael Jack and big Michael Jack. He has also started asking questions about baby bellies and gender. Oh I don't think I am ready for it. I try to be as general as possible but he is a boy and he does very boy things. For instants he put a stethascope around his hips and told me to look at his big pennie! I keep thinking he is doing and saying things he should be doing when he is a teenager.
Sam is still very busy. He is doing clinicals, working and school. He is even more busy! As weird as it sounds though I think he seems happier. Clinicals are good for him, he is thriving there and putting all his knowledge to use. He is almost done with his fifth semester! Only four more semesters until he can go back to riding his bike and racing cross.
Life is good. My boys are happy and entertaining. My husband is awesome and working hard for us. I am feeling better and maybe just maybe I will be back to running soon.
I just realized I take a lot of pictures at the dinner table and while the boys are bathing. I swear we do more than bathe and eat.

1 comment:

lauren ♥ said...

oh wow, i knew you were sick, but i didn't know it was that bad! i have never had a kidney infections, so i didn't know you felt so yucky. glad things are looking up now!

and don't feel bad, those times are when your kids are confined and not all over the place. i always take lots of photos while malcolm is asleep. he is so peaceful, and plus they don't come out blurry :)